Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Three Kinds of Righteousness (5)

With Men This Is Impossible

If you are fully convinced that Jesus’ statement in Matt 5:48 that “you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” is NOT a command that we strive for righteousness through the Law, you can skip reading this post. If not, read on. It is vital that you be perfectly sure of it, for then you will look at the Sermon on the Mount from a totally different perspective.

The antagonist insists, “Jesus will not ask us to do anything that’s impossible for us to do, so He means just that: be perfect. You can be perfect!”

You probably have come across the story of the Rich Young Ruler in Matt 19:16-26. Many have read it through defective lenses thereby totally misinterpret the author’s meaning.  This passage is in fact very similar to Matt 5:20-48, which we have been meditating on. In the story, the young chap approached Jesus to ask how he might enter the kingdom of heaven (this carries the same meaning as “have eternal life” as verified by Jesus in verse 23). The Lord told him certain commandments to do as per the Law’s requirement. Happily the young chap replied that he had fulfilled the specific commandments. Then Jesus told him something else that he must do (effectively “You shall have no other gods before Me” of the Ten Commandments) and the young chap despaired of ever able to do that. The scenario is similar to that in Matthew 5 in that Jesus plainly says that the Law’s standard is much higher than what men take it to be.

Many read the story and are stuck at this point and couldn’t get past it. They are greatly troubled just like the young chap was, because they thought Jesus demands all from them if they want to enter the kingdom of heaven. Some are taught that they must work harder and give all to God, and those who taught them so would also say Matthew 5 says the same thing. What is your position?

The problem with these people is that they failed to read beyond Matt 19:22; they stopped at the point the young chap walked away. But the story is not finished; Jesus has something more to say! Jesus’ disciples, seeing the back of the Rich Young Ruler as he walked away dejectedly, asked the Lord, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus gave them an answer that should also answer all our questions too:

With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matt 19:26, NKJV)

Did Jesus say we must work harder and give all? Not according to the scripture. Quite the opposite, He said it’s impossible for men by their own work to fulfil the Law and to enter the kingdom of heaven. If Jesus says it’s impossible, do you think He will ask us to do it? Of course not! How then are we to enter the kingdom? It’s impossible with men’s effort, whether by mean of the righteousness of the Pharisees or of the Law, but with God it’s possible. By His righteousness.

Scripture Link:

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