Thursday, December 30, 2010

Give Thanks

This Christmas season I have been made keenly aware of the desire to give thanks. And it’s not only from me. In our last meeting we took the opportunity to share what the Lord has done for us in this year, each and everyone, and to give Him thanks. Over the Christmas holidays I also received good news over and over again from many brothers and sisters.  I wish you could see their faces when they tell of their testimonies, they so exude with joy and gratitude you know they have been talking about supernatural encounters. All of us know that what we give thanks for are not possible apart from God’s intervention. These are just some of the reasons for our thanksgiving:

Unexpected salary increment and bonus exactly as desired
Business income doubled compared to the previous year
Healing from pain after taking Holy Communion
No need to take medical leave from work for a long time
A sister gave thanks for her son’s speedy recovery after operation: his body was able to function after one month in ways the doctor said need three months
Assurance of salvation that brings about confidence to face life’s challenges
Phenomenal sales result: a brother not long into his job managed to clinch second spot in Perak state for sales result in his organization (a bank)
Unspeakable joy in knowing the Lord and His Word better
Excellent examination results

I especially love the way a young brother asserted that he scored straight A’s in his exam because of the Lord’s help. He spoke in a no-nonsense matter-of-fact tone he was so sure it’s the Lord! I pray all of us have that kind of spirit. Hearing these testimonies (and many more not listed), we can have no doubt that Jesus is alive and intimately involved in His people’s lives. This is our God, who is ever concerned about our welfare, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of His people. He comes that we may have life, Much More Life! O Lord, we give you thanks!

As we close the year with thanksgiving, let’s start the New Year with hope of even better things to come. Expect great things from God. Be sure that what the Lord has done for us He can do again and even more.  When came face to face with giant Goliath, David said the LORD, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine (1 Sam 17:37, NKJV). We know what happened to Goliath. Be very encouraged by David’s example and live out this principle.

Happy New Year 2011.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Archaeology and the Bible

Over the Christmas holidays I was able to do some leisure reading. To me it was bliss, because these days I could seldom find the time for such luxury. I devoured some favorite print, but what most captured me was the cover story in the latest edition (December 2010) of the National Geographic: The Search for King David.

Basically the article is about some archaeologists’ find in proving the existence of the mighty kingdom founded by King David. Discovery by some archaeologists in Israel and Jordan in recent years seemed to concur with biblical records. An Israelite archaeologist by the name of Eilat Mazar announced in 2005 that she had dug up the palace of King David. Some guys from the U.S. claimed to have found a massive copper mine in Jordan which must have been used by David and Solomon. But there is no lack of critics who say that the evidences are far from being conclusive to substantiate such claims. Many such critics would not deny David’s existence outright, but they doubted whether he really had founded a glorious kingdom like what’s recorded in the Bible. They thought Jerusalem in the 10th century B.C. was more like a cowboy town and David a tribal chief. The debates continue between the two camps.

It was really an interesting read. What I found most amusing is the different attitudes the archaeologists and academics hold towards the Bible. Some use the Bible as a tool to do archaeology; some try to “prove” the Bible using archaeology; still some scoffed at the above as grossly unprofessional archaeology. I wonder what an average Christian is to make of it when they read an article like this. But I really love it when the author has this to say about Mazar’s grandfather (also an archaeologist): who unapologetically worked with a trowel in one hand and the Bible in the other.

As Christians, I asked myself, what are we to make of this? It is not that we must always give a response every time some learned-men question the accuracy of the Bible, more importantly it is how much we believe in our heart the reliability of the Bible. Because this will determine our faith in God, as we profess the Bible to be the Word of God. I believe the primary way to increase in this faith is to prove His Word to be true in our lives in an experiential way. It is somewhat like a chicken and egg problem, but it’s vital for a Christian to prove God’s word to be true in his life experience. The Bible is about “living”, not just “knowing”; any “knowing” it talks about is for “living”. The Word is alive. Archaeology only studies things that are dead.

Apart from proving God’s Word true in our life experience, I think we should have a good grasp about the origin of the Bible. Of course I know it is from God. What I mean is how it’s inspired; how it’s prepared; how was it compiled; how did it come to us. It is very much a science by itself, sometime using archeology as a tool. There is no lack of books and material out there on this subject, but it’s safe to say most Christians don’t have a clue about it. This understanding will enhance our belief in the reliability of the Bible.     

Coincidentally, or maybe not, the Much More Group is working on a study project entitled The History of the English Bible. We will be giving a presentation on the findings some time in January or February 2011. I believe we will somehow touch on the above and we welcome you to join us. I will let you know once the date is fixed. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas!

Our Christmas Trees. 2010.

The Lord’s blessings be upon you and your family this Christmastime and the coming New Year.

Thank you for following this blog. It’s been a great pleasure sharing my thoughts with you. I hope you enjoy as much as I do over the little glimpses into the nativity accounts. They always draw me close to the Lord and strengthen my faith. My prayer is that it will do the same for you. 

From next week onwards I will publish a post every 3 to 4 days, at mid-week and weekend. I have in place most of the next series - on the Kingdom of God- with little details to tidy up. We will be gearing up to it.

Happy holidays!!!

Christmas Songs (8)

Little Drummer Boy

Our two-year old Charissa is beginning to appreciate music and now she would demand that her favorite Christmas songs be played every time she has a chance. There is this old song which she particularly likes entitled Little Drummer Boy. It’s the catchy chorus that has grabbed her attention; I think she loves the beat a lot. Following after the tune she would go pa rum pum pum… pa rum pump um… non-stop.  Because of her indulgence I’ve been drawn to its lyrics too. They speak of a little boy desiring to bring a gift to baby Jesus. He said I am a poor boy too… I have no gift to bring… That's fit to give our King… Shall I play for you…on my drum …. Although they are imaginary, the lyrics portray a very beautiful picture of our hearts. We know that we are supposed to bring a gift when we go celebrate somebody’s birthday, but to Jesus what gift shall we bring?

The stargazers from the east brought valuable gifts to baby Jesus as far as human standard is concerned (Matthew 2:1-11). But we shouldn’t be surprised if in their hearts they were thinking the same as the Little Drummer Boy did. They understood that the baby before them is a great King, so much so they needed to worship Him. They were little drummer boys. We are told that the stargazers greatly rejoiced when they found Jesus, I think it’s because they knew that they had seen the salvation of the LORD, just like Simeon did in the temple. They knew that their gifts were really nothing, but on that day they had seen God’s greatest gift to mankind. They tried to give Him something, but in fact they received much more! They received eternal life: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16, NKJV). This is our generous God.

These wise men came from the east, possibly modern day Iraq. Their story really is the story of all men seeking God. The truth is that God first sought out for them before they could seek God, just like first a special bright star appeared to the stargazers in their own backyard. Then something is stirred inside them to look for this God; this is merely a coming alive of an in-built urge to know and relate to God. As they took a step forward they would find that God had already prepared beforehand road guides to lead them to Him, just like the stargazers found help from a mad king and some scribes who checked out the ancient prophet. God could also use supernatural means, just like the stargazers saw the star moving before them till it stood over where Jesus was. So God is the one who always takes the initiative, even when He wants to bless us with a great blessing! This is our kind and loving God.       

I am sure this Christmas you are going to give away many presents to many people. And I know every time you do so you will think of the wonderful Gift that you’ve received - Jesus. When you give a present away say a simple blessing in your heart for the one who receives from you. You will be giving away Jesus. If you don’t have Jesus, just open your heart to receive Him – God’s greatest Gift for you. You will receive Jesus.

Scripture Reference Link:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Songs (7)

When Peace Invaded Earth

Surely you are familiar with the Christmas song Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. The first few verses go like this:

Hark! the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"

Charles Wesley, the songwriter, got them from the shepherds. The shepherds, before shooing off to Bethlehem to see Mary’s newborn Child, had an angelic host suddenly appear before them singing: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men (Luke 2:14, NKJV). You see, the shepherds forgot to register their copyright (I’m sure the angels wouldn’t mind them doing so). Else their descendents could have been receiving royalty since 1739 (the year Wesley wrote the song). But credit to Wesley too, in this his every-Christmas-must-sing song, he magnified a very important truth the angels sang about what Jesus came to bring us: peace with God. Of course, we understand that it would take a bit of time, for it’s when Jesus finished His work on the cross that sinners are reconciled to God. But it’s as good as done when Jesus came on the scene.

Peace with God is of paramount importance. In our last Much More Group meeting, when asked to give thanks to God for the year, a brother said that one thing he wanted to thank God for is the assurance of salvation which so captured him. He lamented that many Christians, even pastors, are not sure of their salvation. How could they have true peace? For our brother, he essentially said that this peace with God has helped him meet every challenge in life with confidence. I think it is the foundation that makes him, and us, more than a conqueror. It is our internal reality that determines our external reality. Peace with God brings about peace in God. And this peace becomes our strength as we meet with our challenges in life head on and helps us overcome. It echoes the words of Jesus: These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33, NKJV)

When you read the nativity account, you can plainly see that the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus was anything but peaceful, for the Baby and the people around Him. There must have been a mad scramble for space. If there was no decent place to place the newborn baby (He was put in an animal feeding trough!) there probably was no decent place for Mary’s labor. We are not told whether a midwife was in service, or the first time mother had to manage all by herself. Joseph must have felt very bad for his young wife. Probably he was blaming himself for bringing her to Bethlehem. And we know that later after some wise men from the east showed up the whole family had to flee to Egypt because a mad king was trying to kill baby Jesus. A mass massacre did happen and all boys below two years of age in Bethlehem and surrounding area were slaughtered under the command of the mad king.

It was in such hostile environment that the Prince of Peace was borne. So you can trust Him when He said that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Jesus understands how we feel about the stress the conflict the lack the dishonor and all the less than favorable circumstances in life, for He had been through them and overcome.  And He will help us overcome.  One time Jesus was on a boat with His disciples crossing a lake. A furious storm came up and threatened to capsize the boat. Waves swept over the boat but Jesus was sleeping soundly, totally unperturbed by the life-threatening situation. Then He heard someone hollering at Him, one of them big-mouthed-easily-excited Peter probably. (The scene was rather familiar. Oh it was like the first day when He was borne. He was sleeping soundly in something reminiscent of a boat, and some big-mouthed-easily-excited animal was hollering away!) He woke up and commanded the storm to cease. The peace in Him invaded the hostile environment surrounding Him and subdued it. This, my friend, is what the peace that you have in God will do for you too; I don’t care what kind of hostile environment you happen to find yourself in. Concerning this peace we also have this promise from Isaiah:

 For unto us a Child is born,
 Unto us a Son is given;
 And the government will be upon His shoulder.
 And His name will be called
 Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
 Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
 Of the increase of His government and peace
 There will be no end
… (Isaiah 9:6-7, NKJV)

Yes, of the increase of His Kingdom and His peace in your life there will be no end!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Songs (6)

Witness of Grace

I really believe that the Lord will stop at nothing to help us. Absolutely nothing! He will use the high and mighty, even the government, to achieve this end.  As His children we have the privilege of experiencing His supernatural favor in our lives on a regular basis. Let me tell you one of my unforgettable experiences.

A few years ago I encountered a huge problem at work. Our company had started development of a new housing scheme and sales were very slow. Although the company was well established we were new to the specific locality. I was in charge of sales and it gave me a big headache and tremendous pressure. It didn’t help that our competitor at the neighboring scheme was also selling the same kind of product at very competitive pricing.  We tried advertising a lot but it didn’t work. We tried doing more road-show promotions but it didn’t work. I tried to work the sales staff harder but it didn’t work either.  I was at my wit’s end; all I could do was pray. I prayed that God would bless our hard work and the strategies we employed. But it didn’t happen the way I hoped it would. Then, something happened. The Lord had a better idea. Out of the blue the Government substantially raised the salary of all government servants. With that they not only were endowed with greater spending power but their housing loan entitlement from the government was also significantly increased.  Now, the location of our project was such that many of these government servants found it very suitable for them. It really made our day. From then on sales were really good.  You see, although I didn’t pray for this, the Lord more than answered my prayer because all I wanted was for the sales to improve. He did it in a way that far surpassed my expectation and benefited almost everyone. He used even the Government to advance my cause. How good is my God!

My friend, I know you may think that I am being presumptuous here. You may say that it was just a coincidence or that I was just lucky. But I won’t take it. I believe that Jesus had done it for me. You will not persuade me otherwise. Do I feel like I deserve to receive such supernatural favor? Do I feel like I deserve to be witness of such abundant grace? No, but all the same I got to witness His grace.

If there was anyone who would feel undeserved to be called upon to witness the birth of the Christ it would be the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20). They themselves would marvel that God should choose them to be His witnesses. These shepherds were at the lowest rung of the social ladder, living somewhat like social outcasts. Moving about the countryside, sometime they had mix-up over each other’s flock and there would be much argument. They had a bad reputation and their words were not considered reliable. In fact they were not allowed to give testimony in the law courts! Now if you were God, would you choose such people to be your witnesses? This was exactly what God did. One night while they were tending their flock in the country, an angel showed up and declared to them the greatest good news and gave them a sign to find the Savior borne in Bethlehem. They found the Babe and rejoiced at seeing God’s salvation. Couldn’t contain their joy they went about telling everyone!

Think about it, don’t you think this is a slap in the face of the law courts and whatever law it judged by. Here was a class of people that were found unworthy to be witness in the law courts, yet God chose them to be witnesses for Him on the birth of the Savior! These were people that were plainly told that they just didn’t live up to the standard. But when God came on the scene, they were found worthy to be the witnesses of the highest cause. They were made witnesses for God, not just anybody. But they didn’t do anything to achieve that state; it was purely God’s grace. Freely He bestowed this favor on them, and declared them worthy. Imagine how the shepherds would feel, they would be so happy to be given such honor that they wouldn’t mind anymore if they couldn’t give testimony in the law courts. They would go wherever the Lord sent them, to be witnesses of His grace. And whereas those of the law courts thought that the shepherds couldn’t possibly do a good job, God’s favor had empowered them to do a good job for Him. Loot at the result: And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds (Luke 2:18, NKJV)

I love one song by Rod Steward that goes like this: “Have I told you lately that I love you?…”. But my question to you today is whether you have been told lately that you are not good enough, for whatever cause. Take heart, my friend, the Lord says you can be a recipient of His grace. Then, you will be a witness of His grace.

Scripture Reference Link:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Songs (5)

Love before LOVE was Borne

Not in his wildest dream had Joseph thought of being father to Israel’s Messiah, still less being father to the Son of God. How are you supposed to provide and care for the Son of God? The idea never crossed his mind. No, I think it’s safe to say the idea would never cross anybody’s mind.

It seems that dreams were God’s favorite way by which he spoke to guys named Joseph. They were experts in dreaming dreams, interpreting dreams and receiving instructions from dreams. It happened to Joseph the patriarch of Genesis, and now it happened to Mary’s husband-to-be. So it was in a dream that an angel told him that the baby conceived in Mary was of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18-21).
(If you are desperate that God should speak to you in a dream, why don’t you change your name to Joseph huh? HaHa!)

Joseph must have been dumbfounded when he learned that his fiancĂ©e had become pregnant. Believe me, those were days when the normal order of things was that you got married first before you got pregnant. Another thing, he knew he didn’t do it. The families were in good terms and Joseph had a true love for Mary. So regardless of how ridiculous the reason Mary gave for her pregnancy he was determined not to make a scene. But still he couldn’t just swallow it up and pretended that nothing had happened. He was a victim, somebody was at fault and he had every right to be bitter. Or so he thought, until he had that dream. From then on he became a man with a mission.

God needed a protector for Mary and her baby, and in Joseph He found a willing vessel. And it wasn’t only when the baby’s life was threatened, like when crazy Herod decided to kill off the infants (Matthew 2:13-14. Wow! Another Joseph dream!), but in everyday life Joseph protected, provided and cared for Mary and her baby. His mission started right after his first dream encounter with the angel. If we esteem Mary highly for giving birth to our Savior, likewise we should remember Joseph for the significant role he played. To be fair, it wasn’t easy on him. I mean the pressure of having to cope with all sorts of gossip. But I would think his mission was made bearable because of his love for Mary. Once he knew that Mary’s pregnancy wasn’t because of any unfaithfulness towards him, he never looked back. Theirs was a beautiful love story, in a very unique setting.

Couples in those days couldn’t have a good time of courtship before marriage like what we can have today. Close proximity before marriage was not allowed. But it was different for our young couple here. Joseph got to take Mary home! They must have felt awkward in the beginning, but slowly got used to and enjoyed each other’s presence. Yes, they were legally married, but they knew full well that they couldn’t consummate their marriage before Mary gave birth to her firstborn. So they were as good as not being married. Yet they could enjoy each other’s company in ways other couples could only dream of. What’s more, they even got to go on a honeymoon eighty miles away to Bethlehem. These were just some of the perks you get for having the favor of God, always getting more than others could. Their love was further strengthened as they share in one objective: the safe delivery of the baby. You see, love, even romance, would be most beautiful when we have LOVE in the centre of things.

We have seen that unwholesome talk could be bad for the baby inside her mother’s womb, and that’s why Zacharias was put into silent mode (see Christmas Songs 2).  As Mary approached her day of delivery gossip regarding the conception of the baby would have been everywhere. Everyone loves a juicy scandal. This would inevitably disturb Mary’s emotional being as well. How could Joseph protect his loved ones from such harm? Well, he was not in it alone. He’s in it with the almighty God who already had all things planned out perfectly. In His scheme He even made use of the most powerful man on earth to bring His purpose to pass. Out of nowhere Caesar Augustus the Roman Emperor ordered a census to be taken and everyone in the Empire was to register at his ancestral hometown (Luke 2:1-5). For Joseph, he had to go back to Bethlehem. This gave him the perfect excuse to bring Mary out of Nazareth and away from the pressure of scandal!  He was relieved that his beloved wife didn’t have to suffer from the unwholesome words of her townsfolk at this critical hour.

Imagine what kind of chaos such a census would have caused throughout the whole Roman Empire with the first century roads and transports. Caesar must have thought how great and influential he was that the world beckoned at his words. He had only to make a command and all in his empire had to obey. But he didn’t know that there is One infinitely more powerful than himself who would stop at nothing to help his people, even if it means using the most powerful man on earth. Such is our God.

Photo Credit: Idea go on
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