Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Tale of Two Kingdoms (6)

Carried away by the Wind

Since we are on the subject of power, let me tell you another true story that demonstrates a power encounter between the two kingdoms. It happened quite recently, in mid January. We have a lovely lady who is among the eldest in our MMG, I shall call her Lynn. Lynn is a frank and outspoken person, and she speaks with a loud clear voice; firm and swift in her steps, there is nothing to suggest her age save for some bit of gray hair. In fact, to me her voice exudes formidable strength, which must have come forth from a strong spirit. But on that particular day when I heard her voice over the telephone, she sounded quite sick.  I had meant to contact her about our forthcoming meeting but after hearing her I decided that I must visit her as soon as I could.

When my wife Meiwan and I reached Lynn’s place after work, her appearance and demeanor told us that she had suffered much pain and anxiety. I was quite taken aback to see that our usually upbeat sister had become a different person altogether. Lynn said it started with a tormenting headache a few days back, then she developed double vision – she said she could see her grandson having four eyes and everything she saw was like two-dimensional without depth. She went to see a general physician who gave her some pain-killer but advised her to see an eye-specialist. The medicine somewhat relieved her pain but her vision continued to be abnormal and now what troubled her most was a heart palpitation condition (fast and strong beating) which was getting worse. She was on medication for her heart condition for some time now but apparently the medicine didn’t help much this time round. Coupled with a constant buzzing sound in her ears, the condition caused her gripping anxiety.  I think the likelihood of needing to spend more money on seeing some specialist was also weighing on her mind, worry was written all over her face.

Of course the reason we visited her was to pray for her, so Meiwan and I took turn at it laying hands on her to heal her body. Initially there was not much change, but the more I prayed  the more I could sense a compassion for her that was far more than my empathy towards her. I now realize that it must have been Jesus’ compassion for her that I felt. After two rounds of prayer we seemed not to be too successful but something inside me told me that we must persist. At this point Lynn brought our attention to the buzzing sound in her ears which she said was sometime very soft and unnoticeable but was now like howling at her. She seemed to think that this could be a major problem. Then Meiwan discerned that it was a “noisy” spirit that was causing the problem and told us so.

What she said made me realize that thus far we had been trying to heal the symptoms on the body without recognizing the root problem was spiritual. Immediately I placed my hands on both of Lynn’s ears and commanded the oppressive spirit to leave. I was still in the midst of prayer when suddenly I caught a rather disagreeable stink coming out of nowhere. Meiwan smelled it too. We learnt from Lynn later on that her grandson who was at the back of the house at the time (we were with Lynn in the living room) also caught the smell. I continued praying and stopped after a while. This time Lynn said with a slight smile that the heart beating had become regular. We prayed some more and the buzzing sound became negligible too. Before long she was free from all the physical conditions that had kept her captive for a few days. Most importantly even the fear and anxiety had left. In a very short time we could see that our sister’s appearance had changed dramatically. When we left the house she was back to her upbeat and buoyant mood and my wife marveled at the change so conspicuous. To think of it, it was quite incredible. But when the Kingdom of God comes upon you, nothing shall be impossible. Barely one day after prayer, Lynn gave her testimony in our MMG meeting giving Glory to God. She was evidently very relieved that she didn't have to see a specialist.

I was most intrigued over the unpleasant smell, it kept me thinking. I dare say without a doubt that it was the evidence of some evil element being lifted up, a “noisy” spirit according to Meiwan but possibly more than that. Very naturally I thought of the scripture in Daniel 2, in particular verse 35. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (Dan 2:35, NKJV). Lynn was so to say being overwhelmed by the kingdom of darkness with an overt manifestation of its reality, but when the greater Kingdom of Jesus came crushing into it, it was destroyed and its elements carried away by the wind. The stink in this case clearly portrayed the picture of evil being carried away by the wind. Not only is evil to be defeated and its influence stayed, evil is to be completely removed from the scene. More than that, the reality of His Kingdom such as peace and joy will increase and fill the void left behind. This is God’s will when His Kingdom comes. He is truly awesome.

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